Does the Tiny210 support extending the display out the HDMI port under linux? Mine is currently cloning the display (ie what shows on the tablet screen is what shows up on the hdmi display but I need to use the hdmi output as a seperate screen.
Extend display on hdmi for Tiny210
Apparently not, it's an android only feature, even that I'm not entirely sure how it works. From looking at the driver source code, the framebuffer settings are cloned, so the only way to get the full res. from hdmi is to use the hdmi mode, which of course, when cloned to the LCD framebuffer causes it to be run out of range of the LCDs settings. imho, It probably needs some attention as to how the lcd/hdmi drivers are enumerated.
As far as I could tell extended desktops are not part of Android except for a few specific devices. This was one of the reasons I switched to linux since it is typically part of linux. At this point I wouldnt worry about having a bad resolution on the second screen as long as I can get something else to display on it.