Compile latest u-boot


I'm trying to compile latest u-boot for mini2440.
For this porpuse I downloaded the latest version from Denx webpage.
Then, I do the next steps:

make ARCH=arm mini2440_config
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-

After of that, it is generated 136 KB "u-boot.bin" image. Then, when I burn
it into the board, It doesn't work at all.
What could be happen ?

Thanks !

Is there a reason for not using u-boot as supplied on the downloads page?

What size of mini2440 do you have?

Hello Davef,

I need to change the default serial port output of u-boot in mini2440 from
"port 0" to port "1", because I need plug a custom device on the first
serial port.

Thank you.

Can't help with that.  You should state which size flash your mini2440 has
as how u-boot is configured changes with the flash size.

Good luck

Anatolii Sakhnik
I'm interested to know the answer.
So I have the board with 256M nand flash. I know that the latest u-boot
hangs, and I haven't got to debugging yet.

How specifically should the latest u-boot be configured to be able to run
on the mini2440?