no sudo access on ubuntu-210


I got the ubuntu-210 package from ftp and installed on my mini210 board, it
boots ok and I actually get the desktop GUI on the screen. I can login in
to terminal (through serial port) using login:fa; password:fa. I do get
some errors after booting, and I know how to fix them, I just need to
modify some files as sudo, but here is the problem: I do not have root or
sudo access, when I type anything with "sudo" it tells me that user fa is
not in sudoers file.

I know how to modify sudoers file on a desktop enviroment by booting in to
recovery mode, but there is no such thing in my mini210 system. can someone
tell me how to add fa to sudoers file or what else can I dot to get root
(sudo) access?



I did not manage to run ubuntu-210 for the moment, I have to give it
another try because I don't found the correct steps to install it.
Maybe you can try to log as root with fa as password. Or you can take root
privileges with su command and add your account to the sudoers file.


Screwface, here's a tutorial I wrote on how to get ubuntu running on the

I don't think you can access root via su, I don't think root has a password
setup.  So really, editing it on a PC is the way to do it.


Hi Reggie,

Thank you for the link, I didn't knew this wiki. I discovered the correct
way of installing Ubuntu this morning when posting my answer. I used Google
translate on the Readme.txt stored with Ubuntu on FriendlyArm FTP. And then
I read the below approximate translation from Google, that's why I told it
should be possible to su with fa password.

2. Ubuntu desktop Descriptions

a) Login ordinary user name fa, the password is fa root user password has
been modified to fa

b) Desktop automatically log fa
Modify / etc / lightdm / lightdm.conf automatic sign-on support to increase

c) support USB mouse and keyboard, and does not support touch screen

d) Increase / etc/init/s3c2410_serial0.conf, the serial port can log

e) Increase / sbin / fa_codec_init and / etc / init / fa_codec_ctrl.conf
used to initialize audio
Normal playback wav files, mp3 files prompted the need to arrange for plug

f) Increase the kernel modules and the firmware

g) Ethernet and SDIO Wi-Fi can be connected to the serial port can ping,
but Firefox is always unable to connect, reason unknown
If you are using Wi-Fi, it is recommended not to insert the Ethernet cable,
you may also need to restart

h) Serial login and su to root, apt normal use


Brilliant, I couldn't get google translate to translate it for me.  I just
edited the sudoers file as instructed when I tried to sudo.

I haven't really played with ubuntu much, I've got a H43 lcd on mine and
ubuntu doesn't seem to cope too well at 480x272 resolution, the screen
output itself is absolutely fine, the graphics look great, the issue is
when I tell it to go fullscreen on an app, I still get part of the window

It also looks like hdmi doesn't work on ubuntu, can anyone else confirm


Thanks for the link, I'm so stupid of course you can modify rootfs on SD

anyway, I now have sudo access and basically I'm having the same issues you
describe in you wiki page, I was looking around on internet and there are
some comments about the 'mounttall: event fail" being resolved by modifying
'etc/init/mounted-conf' file, I tried that but no success. 

I also confirmed that HDMI out is not working, and neither firefox
(although I can ping websites through terminal and download packages
through apt-get)

will keep playing a bit for a while, but from now I can see system speed is
too slow (it might be due to all the error messages flooding the terminal).
So latter I might to install Debian and see how it works, do some of you
guys have tried this? or have a link to some related wiki site?

hdmi doesn't work because the binary for it is missing, I guess we just
have to wait for freindlyArm to come up with the appropriate software.  

It does exist, as it's used in the linuxqt4 images and there is definitely
a later version that is present in the android 4.x image too so that's
2.6.xx and 3.x kernels covered when they do actually release it.