I followed the tutorial wingz to install and experiment with Qt ptxdist on mini2440. But his blog no longer exists. It seems qu'ila been hacked and destroyed. It was the only online tutorial to install Qt and ptxdist target for mini2440 and I miss him a lot. I sent emails but no answer .. Do you know what became of him?
The Wingston blog for mini2440
Longer time ago Wingston told me he has a backup of this page, but whenever he restores the page, some kind of malware destroys it again. He didn't update me since this last mail.
Thank you for this news. It is a shame he is no longer there because he gave good advice to start with Qt ptxdist on mini2440. Cordially.
He has started a commercial Linux training business and replaced the web site. I asked for a copy quite a while ago and can ask again.
Wingston has sent me all the blog material in the form of docs and Linux texts and a git repository. Any ideas on best place to host it?
We have some public space on our Pengutronix-GIT server. What is in the GIT repo? Bummer! Would be much better if Wingston could continue his great job. :(