Tiny210 SDK 7in LCD Capacitive

Mario Baldini

Iīm trying to install Android 4 in Tiny210 SDK 7in LCD Capacitive, using
the material found on DVD Tiny210-20120726.iso in FTP. 

I managed to write the installer on SD card and run it successfully. It
boots and install a new Android on the Flash. 

But when booting the new OS, it hangs on screen calibration step. It
doesnīt detect any touch input. 

I've already tried many screen setups, without success. The LCD config
itself seems ok, it detects S70 panel and the image is fine.

Also, when I add the skipcal parameter, it loads the OS, but without

But the touch is configured (as displayed in calibration step) to

I donīt think that it is a hardware problem, because just before it was
running the OS from factory, and touchscreen was just fine.

Anyone can tell how can I change the touchscreen parameters? And which
touchscreen parameter someone is using with TinySDK 7in Cap ? 

Thank you

Ali Mohamed
I have the same problem. Can you tell me the solution of this problem if
you got it?

Dave McLaughlin
Did you add the following to your INI file? I got the 1-wire driver if I
omitted the ctp=1

skipcali=yes ctp=1