Ptxdist version: 2012.07.0 Toolchain version: OSELAS.Toolchain-2011.11.1 following is the error, plz help me on it. ------------------------- target: host-zlib.install ------------------------- make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/OSELAS.Toolchain-2011.11.1/platform-arm-v4t-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.6.2-glibc- 2.14.1-binutils-2.21.1a-kernel-2.6.39-sanitized/build-host/zlib-1.2.5' cp libz.a /opt/OSELAS.Toolchain-2011.11.1/platform-arm-v4t-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.6.2-glibc-2 .14.1-binutils-2.21.1a-kernel-2.6.39-sanitized/sysroot-host/lib cp /opt/OSELAS.Toolchain-2011.11.1/platform-arm-v4t-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.6.2-glibc-2 .14.1-binutils-2.21.1a-kernel-2.6.39-sanitized/sysroot-host/lib cp: missing destination file operand after `/opt/OSELAS.Toolchain-2011.11.1/platform-arm-v4t-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.6.2-glibc- 2.14.1-binutils-2.21.1a-kernel-2.6.39-sanitized/sysroot-host/lib' Try `cp --help' for more information. make[1]: *** [install-libs] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/OSELAS.Toolchain-2011.11.1/platform-arm-v4t-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.6.2-glibc- 2.14.1-binutils-2.21.1a-kernel-2.6.39-sanitized/build-host/zlib-1.2.5' make: *** [/opt/OSELAS.Toolchain-2011.11.1/platform-arm-v4t-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.6.2-glibc- 2.14.1-binutils-2.21.1a-kernel-2.6.39-sanitized/state/host-zlib.install] Error 2 dhruv@dhruv-Vostro-460:/opt/OSELAS.Toolchain-2011.11.1$
Ptxdist: error while building toolchain
Known problem with the OSELAS.Toolchain-2011.11.1 and a different PTXdist than ptxdist-2011.11.0. You must use ptxdist-2011.11.0 to build the toolchain, but you can use a different ptxdist version one to build the Mini2440 BPS.
Juergen, thnx. could you plz advice me the Toolchain version supported for ptxdist-2011.11.0. or ant version thro which i can build bsp for mini2440.
Juergen, thnx I am able to build using the following ptxdist version 2011.11.0 Toolchain: OSELAS.Toolchain-2011.11.1
Hi juergen... Thanks for the above post... ptxdist version 2011.11.0 Toolchain: OSELAS.Toolchain-2011.11.1 i have followed the same and i got finished target world Now shall i use the BSP:OSELAS-BSP pengitronix mini2440-2011.10.0 whether it will support? thanks in advance regards justin
Hi juergen Before going to start the BSP in OSELAS quick start guide it has given to Building the additional toolchain whether i have select the any other tool chain? Thanks in advance Regards Justin
The BSP needs an external toolchain to be built. That is why you have built one. Now you can use it with the Mini2440 BSP.