Implement While Loop Along with GUI Interface.

Kaushal patel
Hi all,
       I am beginner in android java.currently, i am using the Tiny 210
development board.   
       I would like to run a "serial receive code" in continuous loop along
with all "GUI".
         When i implementing the while loop then nothing is working and i
can only see " Black screen" and nothing is disply even it is not giving a
       please provide me a appropriate guide.

Dave McLaughlin
You need to create a thread that runs in the background. It is most likely
that your current loop is running in the GUI thread which is not a good

You can use something like this.

new Thread() {
    public void run() {
        // You code in here

Kaushal patel
Thanks Sir
          But sir i must need to observe the Serial port continuous because
I receive the continuous data from the serial port at each 250ms. so how
could i implement the GUI along with this small receive Method(Function).

          SO please tell me the best appropriate method to implement the

Dave McLaughlin
You do all the serial handling in a thread and store the data in a buffer
etc. This buffer is then read by the foreground task and processes and
displays the data.

This is how I handle an I2C interface under Android. The thread simply
loops around every 100ms and reads the ADC. I then store the resulting
voltage read in an array. The GUI task has a timer that then updates the
display every 250ms. It read the voltage, converts this to a scaled value
and displays the information on the screen to the user.


Kaushal patel
That means sir All serial handling thread are in background task.
Is that any requirement for Background service or Registering of service?

Dave McLaughlin
Create a thread like I showed you above and do all your serial in there.
Write a class to handle your data and have functions to retrieve it.

Kaushal patel
Attachment: (759 Byte)
i have create a thread like attachment that i have send. so please send me
where i m making mistake.

Dave McLaughlin
You can't update the GUI within a thread unless you use runOnUiThread but
why don't you just read in the data into an array or buffer and set a flag
to show that it is available and then process this in the GUI thread.