Ubuntu for Tiny210

Tran Anh Tuan
Hi everybody,

I have a Tiny210 board with specs:

- MPU: Samsung S5PV210 Cortex A8
- Flash: 256MB NAND
- Ram: 512MB
- LCD: S70, 7inch
(more info: http://www.friendlyarm.net/products/tiny210)

...and it is allready installed Android OS. Now, I want to build an Ubuntu 
(download from ubuntu site) to Ubuntu image for install to board VIA TF
card. Please guide me what to do? step by step?

Thanks a lot in advance!

basicly - log in on friendly arm ftp and download it. On this FTP you can
find rootfs for ubuntu 12.04. There is also a chinese readme which can be
easily translated to english using google translate.

Can anyone give me a compiled image of ubuntu?

I tried to compilate it, and fail. Can anyone help me?


Hi. Thanks. I have complied it and it run!!! :)

Can you say me the sudo pass?, "fa" is not sudder user.


you have to add fa to /etc/sudoers :)

Hi. It works xD

Hi, Have you solved the touch screen? I cant make it run.


Kevin Lambert
I have a Tiny210v2 and followed the linked directions but all I end up with
is a white screen when I reboot and no debug.  What did you do differently
than the directions for your Tiny210?

Hi, Alonso 

I am working on tiny210v2 ,I am able to port Ubuntu but its Capacitive
touch-screen is not working in Ubuntu but it is working in Qtopia....
please help!!!

I'm running Debian Squeeze on tiny210v2 but I can not in any way to run the
touch screen..
I have a 7" lcd capacitive touch with focaltech ft5x06 controllers.
I compiled kernel and added support for the driver ft5x06.
Now I got a /dev/input/event0 that returns values ​​when I
touch the screen, but ts_lib not work :(
I set "raw_input = friendlyarm-ts-input" and executed ts_print and
ts_calibrate but I always get a segmentation_fault..
Where is the correct friendlyarm-ts-input binary ?

greetings from Italy

how do I put ubuntu 12.04 on my tiny210v2. Please I need help. The steps to
install ubuntu is not equal to install qtopia? where can I find a .img
ubuntu file equivalent to 'rootfs_qtopia_qt4.img'


You can have a look at the near end of this post. Reggie has translated the
readme textfile using google.
