Command Line Interface

Yohan Fernando
I have a mini6410 that I am using for a project at work.

The requirement is to have a simple command-line application which will
utilise GPIO, I2C and a USB Keyboard and Mouse. 

As this is for use in a commercial organisation, I was told that we cant
use Qtopia due to its licensing. 

How else can I configure the board so that I can run command-line
applications? I have done a simple "Hello World" application and I executed
it through the telnet terminal and the output came on the telnet terminal
and not on the LCD. We would like the command line to be visible on the
LCD. I have had problems with Qt, and Buildroot, so if there is some other
way, please let me know.

Yohan Fernando
Also, I seem to be having some issues with GLIBC that I cant resolve. So is
there any solution not involving Qt? I used toolchain 4.5.1 to compile Qt
4.7.4 and I tried running a simple Qt Console Application, but it came up
with a GLIBC error.

The 6410 can run X without problems.

Yohan Fernando
What's X? Is that a Linux distribution? 

I tried running a console application on Qt, and I got GLIBC errors. And
I've tried rebuilding the filesystem with buildroot, but I always get
errors. So I want to try a different approach, possibly without Qt.