friendly arm can work on window 7.can i make source code on window 7 for friendly arm mini6410.if yes send me setup.
working on window 7
You don't mention which OS you want to use? For Windows CE you can build it using Windows. You need the purchase Platform Builder from Microsoft to do this. You can get a 120 day evaluation but for anything else you need a licence from Microsoft. This is not a free OS. The image from FriendlyArm is for demo use only. For Android you need a Linux machine. For anything Gingerbread or above, you need 64 bit Linux to build it. For Linux you also need a Linux machine but as I am not familiar with this, I can't offer much in the way of exact needs. Decide which OS you need and then do a search on Google for mini6410 and your selected OS. There is plenty of help already posted out there on how to do this. This is how I managed to build Android for it. Good luck Dave...
Which OS on the Mini6410? Depending on which OS you have on the Mini6410 you may need a driver for the USB. As you have not stated which OS you are using, we can't help until you do. Dave...