Using linux- (I forget from where I originally got it...) on the mini2440--managed to solve my USB mount/unmount/remount riddle and thought I'd share with everybody. First, I commented out '/sbin/hotplug' in the '/etc/init.d/rcS' file. Then, in code (pared down to only useful examples): [code] #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 unsigned char FileLock = false; if (file_exists("/dev/sda") == true) { if (FileLock == false) { FileLock = true; system("mdev -s"); } } else //file_exists == false { if (FileLock == true) { FileLock = false; system("umount /disk"); } } [/code] Do make sure your compiled kernel is set such that it supports FAT file systems... If you found this useful, please comment. Feel free to ask questions. And, if you feel like being awesome, donations also rock. Peace y'all.