Hi all, I am developing with Android on a Mini6410 and a Mini210 and trying to port an existing application for the Mini6410 to the Mini210 and I am having screen layout issues. On the 7" and 5" displays they should be the same as both are 800 x 480 resolution but this does not appear to the case when you read the metrics. The 7" on the Mini6410 appears as a medium density display with 160 x and 160 y DPI. On the 5" on the Mini210 it appears as high density and 188.1 x and 190.5 y DPI. I am using relative layouts for this application as it is not designed to run on any other device such as phones. When the application is run on the Mini210, the buttons are all squashed up and the screen area appears to be much smaller. It just does not fit like it does on the 7" screen (same resolution) I have tried to create separate layouts for the 2 devices as per standard Android programming guide lines. The metrics for the Mini6410 reports back MEDIUM density and the Mini210 as HIGH DENSITY so I have put the original layouts in LAYOUT and the new ones in LAYOUT-LARGE but as the Mini6410 is also classed as a large display, it is using the LAYOUT-LARGE which is to be expected. Has anyone with experience of Android got any idea how I can get Android to use the correct layouts? Cheers. Dave...
Screen density on 7" and 5"
As an update, I just tried a test to see what would happen if I create 2 new screens for the main layout and a second activity. When I start the application on the Mini6410 it chooses the LAYOUT-LARGE xml file. This is correct. When I start the second activity, it chooses the LAYOUT xml file. This is wrong. On the Mini210 it is the reverse. For the main screen it chooses the LAYOUT xml file and the second activity, the LAYOUT-LARGE xml files!! Aaargh! I am pulling my hair out with this one! (What's left of it that is) Dave...