java runtime -- how to install ?

i tried to install Openjava-package with installed Fedora9
(the linux part of FriendlyARM.ini)

$ su -c "yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel"

in a terminal (strg+Alt+F2).

but "yum" is not installed ...

Searched and found a yum-tarball (gz-file), executed tar, 
but the command "make" is not installed...

Found a rpm-package to install make, in
to install make, tried to execute rpm,
but the command "rpm" is not installed..

Last, i tried to install one of the three commands with the
grafic interface (program) "Software Packages" -- but i did not
succeded to install any package server, nor to install a package 
via "Documents" (checking the radio button )

Is someone in the Forum, who can help me ?
Thanks a lot.