Using libjpeg for micro2440

Ruben Suarez
Hello I'm trying to use the libjpeg to read a jpeg file and extract the
image bitmap for showing in the display using the framebuffer.

When I write 'sh configure' in the jpeglid source code diretory it show me 
the following:

[plg@friendlyARM jpeg-6b]# sh configure
: not foundline 2:
: not foundline 9:
: not foundline 22:
: not foundline 56:
: not foundline 62:
configure: line 64: syntasyx error: bad for loop variable

How someone explain me what is the problem?

I only need extract the image from jpg if you know other way to do that
please let me to know.

If someone already has got the libjpeg compiled for micro2440 could you
send me?

Dave Festing
Attachment: (555 Byte)
My suggestion is unless that person has used the same compiler and library
versions as you do then you are likely to get into a "muddle".

Here is my compile script for libjpeg, just change the path to your
compiler and the directories as required.