using ptxdist to setup builds for some i2c code i'm writing. i created a new project, and now when i type 'ptxdist go', i get this error: ptxdist: error: failed to source lib: /usr/lib/ptxdist-2012.05.0/scripts//lib/ the make script it is trying to reference exists in the path, only without the double forward slashes. i am assuming i somehow corrupted the path to the script file. problem is, i can't find this path in any of the ptxdist config files i can see. can anyone tell me how i can correct this?
ptxdist path corruption
The path seems all right. Only PTXdist is somehow confused. PTXdist is project centric. So, you must start it always in a project context, which means a directory with some important configure files in it ("selected_platformconfig" for example and "selected_ptxconfig"). Did you?
i re-ran all the config tasks suggested in the quickstart document. i even did a fresh download of the oselas BSp for the 6410, along with a fresh download of ptxdist installation files. i still get the error message shown in the original post. the file it's looking for exists, but not with the double-slash 'scripts//lib' in the path. this path seems to be defined elsewhere, but i don't know where.
as either user or root, i can access this path: /usr/lib/ptxdist-2012.05.0/scripts/lib/ but not not this one(the one ptxdist is trying to access) /usr/lib/ptxdist-2012.05.0/scripts//lib/
this is driving me insane. okay, i figured out that the double-slash doesn't mean anything, this is just another brain-damaged linux quirk. i read on the ptxdist developer web archives not to use version 2012.05.0, so i backtracked to ptxdist-2011.11.0. i get the same error. what gives?????
The "" script is responsible for the toolchain interaction. Is it possible that your own new project is incomplete? PTXdist depends on some config files. What does "ptxdist toolchain" outputs in your project?