Serial Port Tiny210 Problem

I am trying to get the seral prot working in the tiny210, I am using
android and the Itest software. First on serial 1 it transmits data but it
doesn't receive anything. Serail 2 works, Serial 3 seams to be in a
loopback mode.
Did somebody manage to get all the serial working I need at least 2

Hello Leandro,

I have got serial ports working in android by using iTest app,

I have connected GPS module on serial2 and got it work properly,

even serial3 also worked fine for me,

by default serial1 is used as gps interface (please see init.rc file)

serial0 and serial1 are RS232 level
and 2 and 3 are ttl level.

hope this helps you


Hi, is possible have some code to learn how use serial ports under Android?
Thank you very much for help!