I've written an application in Qt. I would like to add the functionality to upgrade the Qt app. The Qt app is currently 10MB in size. This is how I plan to upgrade the app: 1.) Download the app to the mini into a file with a name different from that of the current app (ex. Current app = App_0A, New app = App_0B). 2.) Perform crc on file. 3.) If all is good, update the startup scipt to start the new app (App_0B) the next time the board is started. 4.) Restart the board using the watchdog. My problem is with the size of the file (10MB). I've started with a USB HID updater but it takes too long (up to 4 hours). I'm now busy with a CDC (VCP) but would like to get your ideas on how I can go about doing this. I'm currently using all the UARTs and the Ethernet on the mini so the only remaining available interface is USB. What would be the best method to transfer a 10MB file to the mini using a custom written updater application?