Hello all. Is it possible to set up a mini2440 as a LAMP server. "Linux, Apache, Mysql, Php. Greetings
LAMP server
i am new to the friendly arm tiny6410 .i have installed gnu/linux and kernel version 2.6.38.i have try to install lamp server but -/bin/sh command not found following error have come.how do i install lamp server in friendly arm,what are code (for example in fedroa distrbution yum install Mysql)
This article may help you, or at least gives you some hints: http://www.geekride.com/installing-apache-mysql-php-on-linux/ It's not about cross-compiling but about a lightweight LAMP-installation (without package-manager)
If you like Python, a Debian will be ready soon (or roll your own) and there are Python tools that do everything you would do with MySQL and Apache and PHP. There are a lot of servers now that use Python without AMP.