Qt running very slow on minic2440

Hi Guys,

I cross compile Qt4.6 (downloaded from friendlyarm website). When I run
fluidlauncher example its taking a while for the application to be loaded. 
Once it is loaded the frame update rate is also very slow. Qt is running
very slow on mini2440. 
I compiled busybox rootfs from friendlyarm. 

I even tried the configuration mentioned on

./configure -prefix /usr/local/Qt -fast -pch -no-qt3support -qt-sql-sqlite
-no-libtiff -no-libmng -qt-libjpeg -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-freetype
-no-openssl -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake tools -optimized-qmake
-no-phonon -no-nis -no-opengl -no-cups -no-xcursor -no-xfixes -no-xrandr
-no-xrender -no-xkb -no-sm -no-xinerama -no-xshape -no-separate-debug-info
-xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ -embedded arm -depths 16,32 -no-qvfb
-qt-gfx-linuxfb -no-gfx-qvfb -no-kbd-qvfb -no-mouse-qvfb -opensource
-confirm-license -qt-mouse-tslib -I<path_to_tslib>/tslib/build/include

but still the performance is very slow. Can some one please share some
inputs on how to increase the performance. I dont mind using some other
toolchain and rootfs. 


Did you solve your problems? Now I'm starting with QT and mini2440 with
default kernel , image and rootfs. I disable Qtopia and port QT application
on board for running but the app run gradually slow, about 5 mins, it stand
 there and I can not interact with app anymore, I have to restart the
board. Could you give me some advice? Thanks a lot.

Juergen Beisert
Sounds like a memory leak. Check your application.

Thank you Juergen Beisert. I've solved my problem. My application
continuously received data from a GPS receiver so that it caused memory
leak with 100% CPU in some mins. I've used a thread sleep (20ms) in my
receiver class and it reduced to 66%.