I try to boot a linux-kernel from SD-Card and mount a second partition as rootfs. In my FriendlyARM.ini on the first partition I have the following entries: Linux-Kernel = Linux/zImage_SD_2.6.28 Linux-CommandLine = root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext2 rootwait console=ttySAC0,115200 init=/init The kernel gets called correctly, but it seams not to be able to mount the second partition. I get the following error-message: mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p2 on /r failed: No such device I added the /dev/mmcblk0p2 in the .cpio-file like described here: http://www.friendlyarm.net/forum/topic/2385#18469 My device is the Mini6410 I tried the 2.6.28 and 2.6.38. The 2.6.38 is from the friendly-arm-DVD, the 2.6.28 from an other fileserver with mini6410-images/sources. Any ideas? :)
mounting SD-root-Partition failed
first which boot loader u used ? second try to check this #################### Linux ##################### Linux-BootLoader = superboot-6410.bin Linux-Kernel = Linux/zImage_n43 Linux-CommandLine = root=/dev/mtdblock2 rootfstype=yaffs2 init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC0,115200 Linux-RootFs-InstallImage = Linux/rootfs_qtopia_qt4.img Linux-RootFs-RunImage = Linux/rootfs_qtopia_qt4.ext3
1. I use u-boot_sd-ram256.bin from the current DVD 2. I can boot the available images (with rootwait added to the commandline), so the SD-Card works well. But that's not what I want :) I want to create my own Linux-System, and the root-fs should be on the second partition, not in an image-file. :) using superboot instead of u-boot doesn't change anything. Do I need a bootloader at all? If I disable the Linux-BootLoader-Entry it works anyway :) (well, at least until Linux should mount the SD-Card)
I'm confused… With an ext3-filesystem it works :D So, problem solved by using ext3 instead of ext2 :)
It appears to me that you're able to use u-boot_sd-ram256.bin successfully. I failed to use it using sd-flasher via SD card !?!? How you burned that file successfully ?
First i have to say that i still don't know how the boot-process really works. :) But at least I know what I did to boot Linux from SD-Card :D First I created a bootable SD-Card like in the manual described (using the SD-Flasher and superboot for my device) Then I formated the SD-Card on Linux to the following scheme: partition 1: 20MB FAT32 partition 2: ext3 - nearly to the max but with a buffer off ~200MB at the end so that I didn't destroy the bootloader which SD-Flasher wrote there. Now I can put the kernel, u-boot and the ini-file on the FAT-partition and the root-fs can be build/copied to the second one. And in the ini-file as the entry for Linux-BootLoader I wrote u-boot-*