How to program Rootfs + Qt on mini2440

Hi Guys,

I am new to Embedded Linux + QT. For the past few days i have been
struggling to upload rootfs on mini2440. 

I have downloaded busybox 1.13.4 and was able to build the rootfs as per
following instructions
""; and

After compiling and building rootfs, how do I convert that into a single
image file or tar so that It can be programmed to NAND Flash. 

Can some one please suggest a method to do so. 

What are the steps to use QT on the board. 

I followed  this link
""; and downloaded
tslib and qt4.6 from friendly arm website. I could compile/build tslib and

How do I use this QT to develop an qt test application. 

Can some one please share some inputs on this.


First question, why did you do all that when it comes loaded on the board?
If you are new to embedded and want to write Qt apps, why erase Qtopia with
Qt4 and Qt/E already installed?

Second, have you looked at Wingston's tutorials at workshop India?

Hi Charles,

I am building a project based on this environment(processor) where in I
wont have Qtopia on it. Hence I am trying to learn the steps to bring up
the board(mini2440) so that I learns the process.

Thanks for pointing to Wingston's tutorials. 

Any ideas on how to make ramdisk outof freshly build busybox 1.13.4.


Can some one please share there inputs on creating a image of a rootfs and
adjusting the boot parameters for the kernel accordingly.