I have mini2440. I have the following problem with touchsreen: My cursor moves in a smaller are then the whole screen. My screen is 7”. I didn’t manage to configure pointer neither. Programs work well and the cursor works well too, I mean it is sensible everywhere. If I touch the other end of the screen (I mean insensible part), the cursor will be sensible in its smaller area. So the problem is not that one part of screen is insensible. Any kind of advices would be a great help to me. I have been working on it for almost a week. As I see well others also had problem cursor, but these were a bit differ. Thank you
touchscreen problem
What have you changed from the factory installation? What size and type of touchscreen do you have? Have you run ts_calibrate?
I have bought ELLK, so I almost nothing changed. Almost everything was installed from CD. The one that I have changed are through this tutorial: http://mini2440vietnam.blogspot.com/2011/04/upgrade-qt462-in- This tutorial also mentioned “”Segmentation fault” with a similar problem. I have found an interesting FAQ in this site: http://www.andahammer.com/faq/ Question: “I have mini2440 and 7 inch LCD. Why is the touchpad difficult to use with the stylus?” The Answer: “ ... It looks like the drivers available have been extended from code meant for small cell phone screens, and they need reworking...” Whether it may the same problem? My screen is 7 inch. I don’t know the type exactly. I have bought ELLK from this site: http://www.andahammer.com/e-l-l-k/ I also bought micro. What do you think about aboves? fekda
Hi, I have written to him. By the way I have done some advances. The new error is the next: [root@FriendlyARM bin]# ./ts_calibrate xres = 800, yres = 480 tslib: Selected device is not a Linux input event device I have read a lot about this error message but I haven’t found any good solution to me. (All problem differ a bit from mine.) My applications carry on running well. Tslib and Qt build up from a few files. I used compiled Qt and Tslib too. But the error are the same. Eventually I almost changed all files. :-s Any new idea? :-)
The kernel and Qtopia file system shipped in the units (or compiled under the E.L.L.K. course) have a graphical touch screen calibration routine that should work. You have an Innolux A70 display, 800x480 with replaceable touch pad. If you use tutorials by other users, I have no idea what is happening. They are not supported by the manufacturer's hardware and software developers. I would suggest one of the most successful tutorials (highly recommended)is for Pengutronix by Wingston at http://wingston.workshopindia.com/wingz/getting-started-with-the-pengutr...
Thank you for your advices. I will do it again from scratch using ONLY the CD. I am curious whether it works or not. :-)
Hi, I have found the solution. You were right; there are many types of rubbish on the internet with many small errors in them. I am sorry for my unprepared question. The E.L.L.K works perfectly. Moreover many people copied the same wrong materials. So To find the errors have become harder. Have fun on working mini2440, fekda
HI could you please share the solution!??, i have exactly the same problem, the touchscreen works fine, but the mouse is moving in smaller rectangular part than screen, i run the ts_calibrate, but in one hand problem was from xorg.conf, where i was needed to set width and height correctly, i varied this alot, somehow now i have movement in larger area,but still far away from proper calibraton. what other prameter have to be changed? thanks vahid
Hi, I am sorry for no answer. There is a profile file in etc. You can find the next two lines in this: export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/usr/local/tslib/lib/ts export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/usr/local/tslib/lib/ts The second line is obviously wrong. I typed that: export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/usr/local/tslib/lib/ts export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 It is trivial but I used copy and paste, so I missed them.
Hello, I have some problem in touch screen & used in Qt app touch on screen error generate is -1 in all