BOA server issue

Hello .... iīm trying to develop an app for de mini2440 and i need to use
the BOA server to show a real time plot, but i create the interface in php
and now the BOA server donīt work with it ...... any suggestion .....
thanks and best regards

Don't think Boa will support PHP, only cgi.  I vaguely recall that there is
a "CGI version of PHP".  Whether or not that means you could run it on Boa
I don't know.

I use PHP with GD and thttpd to serve up graphs.  But, that means a bit
more work than writing a CGI script and running it on Boa :(

thanks davef for your comment .... i look into it but nothing i can
understand ... the only thing i want is a graph of a data that i generate
in a txt and that graph can be follow by web .... any idea i can do
that in my BOA server .... REGARDS ...

have a look at rrdtools.
rrdtools generate a database(Round-Robin-Database)when you call the script
the first time.
the size of the database depends on the first command you running and wound
change after that.
then you can feed your database with your txt file values every 5 or 10 or
30min, or just like you want, hourly,daily etc..

you can use a script(cron) to generate a png file and drop it somewhere and
make a simple index.html showing your pic with  a refresh every x sec./min.
you can generate different graph, depend of your feed time period, for
example every 5min, every 60min, hourly, 4 hours, daily.   

you can draw one graph by pulling the data out of two or more different
you can also feed one database with more than on value, for example 6
temperature values from 6 different sensors,
or generate 6 databases for each sensor.

ones a database is generated, you cant just add a nother value,
therefor a prefer seperated databases.

give it a try ;-)



Had a long look at rrdtools and displaying the information was the
stumbling block for me.

> you can use a script(cron) to generate a png file

Could you point to some example of how this is done?  I couldn't work it
out from the tutorials on the rrdtool site.


hi dave,

there is a lot of tutorials out there,
and a lot of style, look and feel graphs is possible,
have a look at
you can play with size and colours and and and.

a very good site is
it is a must read!

you must understand how rrdtool hold the values and generate average after
a defind time period
very important is RRA:xxx(RRA->ROUND ROBIN ARCHIV)and step 300(updatet
timeperiod default 300sec.)

is a bit confusing in the beginning.
you define these commands at the very first create command and you canīt
change then afterwords.
the size of your created rrd file depends on these values!

lets have a small look
i use a step of 60sec(update every 1min)

RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:2880 means the 1min RRA would save 2880 values, value
2881 overwrite value 1 and so on...

AVERAGE : 60 seconds(step) * 1 * 2880 =  172800 secondes = 48 hours = 2
you would have a exact 2 day 1min graph/value

RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:240:720 means 240min/4hour RRA save 720 values,
AVERAGE : 60 seconds(step) * 240 * 720 =  10368000 secondes = 120 days = 4
you would have a exact 4 hour graph/value for the past 4 months
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:730 means 730 daily values -> is a two year daily

for a fast overfew have a look at the "A Real World Example" on the
tutorial site.  

another site explaining things quit good is

image format available GIF|PNG|GD

my command generating a pic and upload it to my website looks like this


nice -n 19 /usr/bin/rrdtool graph /tmp/temperature.png \
--slope-mode --color=BACK#000000 --color=FONT#F7F7F7 --color=SHADEA#000000
--color=SHADEB#000000 \
-t "Temperature Last 24 Hours" --color=CANVAS#000000 --color=GRID#000000  \
--start -24h --end now  -r -a PNG \
--font AXIS:7 --font TITLE:7 --font LEGEND:7 --full-size-mode -w 350 -h 150
DEF:AIR=/opt/Pool/Sensor-7.rrd:1:AVERAGE \
DEF:H2O=/opt/Pool/Sensor-8.rrd:1:AVERAGE \
VDEF:H2O_last=H2O,LAST \
COMMENT:"Createt on  $(/bin/date "+%d.%m.%Y %H\:%M\:%S")\n" \
CDEF:sp1=H2O,100,/,5,* \
CDEF:sp2=H2O,100,/,10,* \
CDEF:sp3=H2O,100,/,15,* \
CDEF:sp4=H2O,100,/,20,* \
CDEF:sp5=H2O,100,/,25,* \
CDEF:sp6=H2O,100,/,30,* \
CDEF:sp7=H2O,100,/,35,* \
CDEF:sp8=H2O,100,/,40,* \
CDEF:sp9=H2O,100,/,45,* \
CDEF:sp10=H2O,100,/,50,* \
CDEF:sp11=H2O,100,/,55,* \
CDEF:sp12=H2O,100,/,60,* \
CDEF:sp13=H2O,100,/,65,* \
CDEF:sp14=H2O,100,/,70,* \
CDEF:sp15=H2O,100,/,75,* \
CDEF:sp16=H2O,100,/,80,* \
CDEF:sp17=H2O,100,/,85,* \
CDEF:sp18=H2O,100,/,90,* \
CDEF:sp19=H2O,100,/,95,* \
AREA:H2O#0000A0:"H2O" \
GPRINT:H2O:LAST:"LAST\: %2.3lf" \
GPRINT:H2O:MIN:"MIN\: %2.3lf" \
GPRINT:H2O:MAX:"MAX\: %2.3lf\n" \
AREA:sp19#0A0DC3: \
AREA:sp18#1519C6: \
AREA:sp17#1F26C9: \
AREA:sp16#2932CC: \
AREA:sp15#333FCF: \
AREA:sp14#3E4CD2: \
AREA:sp13#4858D5: \
AREA:sp12#5265D8: \
AREA:sp11#5C71DB: \
AREA:sp10#677EDE: \
AREA:sp9#718BE1: \
AREA:sp8#7B97E4: \
AREA:sp7#85A4E7: \
AREA:sp6#90B0EA: \
AREA:sp5#9ABDED: \
AREA:sp4#A4CAF0: \
AREA:sp3#AED6F3: \
AREA:sp2#B9E3F6: \
AREA:sp1#C3EFF9: \
LINE1:AIR#FF0000:"AIR" \
GPRINT:AIR:MIN:"MIN\: %2.3lf" \
GPRINT:AIR:MAX:"MAX\: %2.3lf\n"

/usr/bin/ncftpput -mR -u xxxx -p xxx ftp.xxxx.xx /xxxxxxx/pool

and look like this afterwords

just give it a go

if you have questions, i am around here ;-)

regards john

Thank you for the first link.  I hadn't come across that one.

I appreciated you showing how to generate the .png as that was the part I
was most uncomfortable with.

I wanted some real-time graphs as well as historical data, so rrdtools
seems a good tool to learn.
