hey guys, there are a couple of things I do not understand when working with buildroot: - whats the differnce between BR2_EXT_UCLIBC_VERSION_0_9_28_3=y and BR2_USE_UCLIBC_SNAPSHOT="20080926" in the config file? any doc to see what those defines mean? - there are 3 filesystems that can be selected. some config files select all of them but actually it should be ok to just select the jffs2, right? what about the others? -I got the latest builddroot snapshot which contains a defconfig for my board with at least 25 lines. buildroot from 2010 contains a complete defconfig with hundreds of lines. what happened here?
Configure buildrrot for my AT91SAM9263-ek
Wouldn't you get more helpful answers here: http://www.at91.com/