Problem getting Java serial communication working on mini2440.

Luke Waldron
I am attempting to get the Java rxtx library to work on the mini2440. I am
using emDebian "squeeze" on the mini244. The rxtx library is taken from
"lenny" as the squeeze version does not match my requirements. The Java
environment works fine and does not complain about not identifying the rxtx
classes. The problem seems to be that it cannot identify any of the serial
ports on the machine. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly

Guillermo Rodriguez
Hi Luke,

I had so many trouble with rxtx that we ended up developing our own
implementation of the javax.comm API...


Place a symbolic link /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyS0 or something like
this. It work for me.

I am using 

I build my own kernel for using PL2303 usb adaptor.
