Hello, I've tested micro2440 with H-JTAG, but i got the below error message. "Error: Flash id does not match. Please make sure that the right flash device is selected" I'll tell you my tiny board specification for understanding it. . NOR Flash: S29AL016J70TFI02 - Spansion . NAND Flash: K9F2G08 . SDRAM: H57V2562G And my test scenarios run as follows. 1. Set NOR bootmode(J1 open on the board) 2. Used H-JTAG version 1.0 with wiggler JTAG(LPT) 3. Read ARM920T ID --> It's no problem to read CPU core ID(0x0032409D). 4. Loaded HFC File modified with FriendlyArm HFC file. <--------------------------------------- H-Flasher_S29AL016T.hfc FLASH SECTION: SPANSION S29AL016D-M02 MEMORY SECTION: 16-BIT X 1-CHIP 0x00000000 0x40000000 XTAL SECTION: NULL TCK SECTION: 0 0 SCRIPT SECTION: SoftReset+++ Setmem+32-Bit+0x53000000+0x00000000 Setmem+32-Bit+0x4A000008+0xFFFFFFFF Setmem+32-Bit+0x4A00001C+0x000007FF Setmem+32-Bit+0x53000000+0x00000000 Setmem+32-Bit+0x56000050+0x000055AA Setmem+32-Bit+0x4C000014+0x00000007 Setmem+32-Bit+0x4C000000+0x00FFFFFF Setmem+32-Bit+0x4C000004+0x00061012 Setmem+32-Bit+0x4C000008+0x00040042 Setmem+32-Bit+0x48000000+0x22111120 Setmem+32-Bit+0x48000004+0x00002F50 Setmem+32-Bit+0x48000008+0x00000700 Setmem+32-Bit+0x4800000C+0x00000700 Setmem+32-Bit+0x48000010+0x00000700 Setmem+32-Bit+0x48000014+0x00000700 Setmem+32-Bit+0x48000018+0x0007FFFC Setmem+32-Bit+0x4800001C+0x00018005 Setmem+32-Bit+0x48000020+0x00018005 Setmem+32-Bit+0x48000024+0x008E0459 Setmem+32-Bit+0x48000028+0x00000032 Setmem+32-Bit+0x4800002C+0x00000030 Setmem+32-Bit+0x48000030+0x00000030 PGMOPTION SECTION: ADDON SECTION: NULL -------------------------------------------------------------> 5. When I pushed the "Check" button in H-Flasher>Programming, it said that flash ID not match. I want flash ID 0x2249001, but it is 0xEA000044. What should I do? Please, advice for me.
Micro2440 flash ID fault
Did you check through all these? http://www.google.co.nz/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&source=hp&q=%2...
Of course, I did googling... And then I tested as below instructions. . Changing H-JTAG version to 0.4.4 . Disable MMU . Modified HFC file(someone said to add "Softreset" in HFC) . SJF type LPT JTAG . J-LINK Connection(also flash detect error) . etc.. Do I need to check hardware ?
There are so many people on here that don't seem to have even bothered! The H-JTAG forums have been checked, of course. S29AL016J70TFI02 - Spansion There were some NOR types that have been mentioned recently (somewhere) as not being supported. Have you ever J-TAGed into it before successfully? And obviously, it had been working before.
The "somewhere" was here. http://www.friendlyarm.net/forum/topic/3199 But, looks like a unsatisfactory outcome. Good Luck
For your information, I've checked the H-JTAG forums, but couldn't find a better solution. OK, I'll try to check my hardware and change other NOR flash(AMD, SST...). If I solve the problem and have a chance, I post it here. Thank you for your attention.