mini2440 and large executable files


I just obtained a large 103MB static executable file from Qt Compiler. It
run on linux2.6.32 of mini2440 with 64MB SRAM & 256MB NAND. I worry about
its stability. I wish, the linux OS does not load large parts of the
executable file to SRAM.

I will be appreciated with your comments & suggestions in this regard.

(I know how to disable unused modules in configuring Qt compiler)


Juergen Beisert
Files are mapped into the address space of a process. And only swapped in
on demand (and discarded if the system is under low RAM pressure). I guess
most of this 103 MiB large binary does not contain required data at runtime
(maybe debug info?).
I see stability issues only for changed data in RAM ("dirty pages"). Not
for read only data.