Screen Calibration after new kernal image

Jaydeep Gajjar
Hello everyone !

I have just purchased mini2440 for my project work. I am average linux user
and have some command-line experience.    

I have compiled and run the some examples successfully. but came to know
that GPIO doesn't appear in shipped linux. So, i recompiled linux kernal
image with help of following site :

after loading zImage to nor flash i can see drivers of GPIO in

but my problem is with screen. the screen is shifted after image upadate.
i can not able to operate terminal or calibate application.

what i have to do now ? Please help.

Thanks in advance.

Are you using the correct config?

cp config_mini2440_t35 .config # choose the pre-built config that matches
your LCD

What LCD does your mini2440 use?

Or search for "shifted screen", I recall a few posts about this issue.

Can you enter a command like:

find -name ts_calibrate -print

and tell us what is says?

Sorry, no on-screen terminal!  Can you run minicom on your host and via
RS232 enter the command suggested?

Jaydeep Gajjar
hi davef

I am using W35 Lcd. i compiled the kernel that came with kit.i didnt make
any changes.

currently i doesn't have the 2440.but, i will reply for your suggested in
few hours.

yes, minicom is running in terminal on windows and also ftp is running.

from one site i came  to find i could attech mouse at boot time and open
calibrate in tools than issue can be fixed.

is this will work ?
or i have recompile the kernal ?

from one site i came  to find i could attech mouse at boot time and open
calibrate in tools than issue can be fixed.

is this will work ?
or i have recompile the kernal ?

Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying.

Is there a W35 config file in the distribution?

Jaydeep Gajjar
hello davef.

No, the mouse trick dosnt work.

Thanks for remind me for config file. i atteched wrong file (for t35 with
gpio and spi support).

i followed this steps which then worked.

#in linux kernel directory 
jaydeep@ubuntu:~$ make clean
jaydeep@ubuntu:~$ cp config_mini2440_w35 .config
jaydeep@ubuntu:~$ make menuconfig

#in menuconfig enable gpio and spi support

jaydeep@ubuntu:~$ make zImage

Thanks again davef.

I don't know what the mouse trick is.

Glad you got it sorted.

hello sir:
     i'm a new user for arm mini2440. already preloaded qtopia. in that i
click re-calibarate. then its restart. then touch screen not working. what
can i enter it's show enter your password i already set pwd. how to work my
touch screen please explain me

Sometimes the screen calibration can be so bad that you can not control the
cursor or get the cursor on-screen. In this case, attach a generic USB
mouse and reset. The cursor will move from both mouse and touch pad. Go to
the "Tools" tab in Qtopia and start recalibration. Just use a mouse click
when it wants you to tap the screen to run the app. Use a stylus on the
touch pad (not the mouse!) to get calibration back in range.