First release of miniEMC2 was released here Welcome all who wants to test it.
EMC2 CNC controller on mini2440
hey ! welcome to your project ! good idea but why not to start with a 6410 board directly ? and please ... do the blog in English instead Russian ?.. best regards
Hi there, main idea is to make more cheaper solution that PC. I guess the price of mini2440 is well enough to satisfy this requirement. There is nothing interesting in my blog. I temporary stopped an activity there due to low interest from Russian guys. All info you need to build miniEMC2 already provided on the Wiki page. If you need more details, please send me an e-mail to address I've specified on the project page. regards, Sergey
hey serg_io you doing great !! from onwards we can run emc2 on mini2440 ..!! it's great news.. i also build RTlinux for x86 platform. and run emc2 in pc. I have one question. for that i need to compile kernel with the help of your miniemc2.patch that you mention on this linke that i mention below
miniEMC2 uses GPIO access from FIQ interrupt handler, that is from kernel space. If you don't need realtime access and some delays ( ~10 ms ) are allowed, then you have two options. First, you can use sysfs to access GPIO, see Second option can be mapping GPIO's address range into user space using mmap of /dev/mem, see there: , look for void *mapIoRegister(unsigned long addr, size_t length). regards, Sergey
Hello again is it possible to use io in realtime? can i build an i2c or spi bus and use with miniemc? Yours sincerely