Hi, I'm using the stock mini6410 kernel with a 7" display connected directly. It all works, but I have to recalibrate the 7" display pretty much every time I switch the thing on, or my taps don't get recognized as being where I tapped on the display. I also have to recalibrate after its been switched on for a few days. Anyone else having this problem ? Is there a good solution ? I obviously can't develop something to sell if it needs to be recalibrated every time the user wants to do something! Cheers, Simon
7" display calibration drift
Simon, you are using Linux? Or is it an application without OS? I have your solution for systems without OS, if interested send me an email: nilsao@gmail.com that you send. I save the calibration data in EEPROM memory and every time the card is started I read the data EEPROM. If you are using Linux, just run the function once and ts_Calibrate ready.