touchscreen-1wire advice

need some advice please:

kernel: 2.6.36 with following set: <src touchscreen for mini6410 >
                     <Mini6410 1-wire host and TouchScreen Driver>

On target: cat /dev/touchscreen-1wire responds to touch on screen.
           ( c 10 181 ) => driver working
           cat /dev/touchscreen exists but is inactive
           ( c 10 180 ) => registered by the kernel from the lines below

           ls /sys/bus/platform/drivers shows samsung-ts
           ls /sys/bus/platform/devices shows s3c-ts as registered device

If I: cat /dev/touchscreen-1wire > /dev/touchscreen &
           generates a response. I get the message:    cat: write error :
Invalid argument when trying /usr/bin/ts_calibrate 

I have configured and exported TSLIB_TSDEVICE and TSLIB_CALIBFILE

have i missed the boat totally?

you aren't missing anything
there is practically no information around about this problem
i got my mini6410 going by ->
 copying "" from a one of the friendlyarm-provided
file systems that are labelled with a "-s" (eg rootfs_qtopia_qt4-s) is a tslib module
it replaces the generic input module
i have not been able to locate source
but copying the binary works

see my other post for a little more info ->

take a look at how tslib is configured on a "-s" rootfs
its useful as a working reference

thanks jono

i had considered doing that, but like you, would like the source code

instead of friendlyarm-ts-input i was hoping input,compiled from
input-raw.c could be used ../tslib/plugins/input-raw.c

ive spent several hours trying to make input-raw.c work - no success tho

it is very frustrating that friendlyarm-ts-input.c is nowhere to be found
i've also noticed that the qtopia "-s" images have a /etc/ts.detected file,

i haven't worked out the relevance of that file yet
ideas anyone ?

i have seen a reference to modifying input-raw.c (   Topic: TINY6410 MINI6410
transplantation of TSLIB1.4 )

google translate the following, , for
information regarding porting tslib. found this site to be a minefield of

i hope you are cleverer at using it.

Hi Sean_h
May I know what that command "cat /dev/touchscreen-1wire >
/dev/touchscreen" is for? Have you managed to get it touchscreen working?
If yes, would you shade some light how you did that?   what OS and
environment are you running at?

look under driver/input/touchscreen of your kernel source.

Hi vib

Sorry, a bit late on this. I know /dev/touchscreen-1wire is working. The
"cat /dev/touchscreen > /dev/touchscreen &" was an attempt to re-direct
from stdout to another driver.

No, I have not got it working yet. Have you had success?

Still no luck. I have checked through dmesg,  that both touchcreen and
touchscreen initialized. However, I still can't get the touch screen going.

Have you tried the copying of from a working

jono indicated that this works but i have not tried it yet.

Yes, I've, it works with regards to that. That is, the position calibration
comes up prompting for input. But after all initializations, the
touchscreen does not respond to touch. I made a diff between the
Ubuntu-0910 (from the DVDs) and the Xubuntu-MyDownload. The /dev. /lib,
/bin folders, I don't see anything suspicious.

Hi All,

does anybody have fixed the issue? We are experiencing probably the same
trouble; everything seems to work correctly, but when we reboot after the
first calibration the event of touch screen is not captured anymore or even
not generated. If we try to run manually by prompt command the calibration
procedure after the first calibration boot this gives error. It's very
strange because the boot process is the same and so seem to be the
environment variables: the only difference between the first boot and the
next ones is an if that launch the calibration procedure by the same boot.
Does anybody have any idea? Thanks.

Federico and Daniele.

I suggest you read the following, it worked for me.

We followed the post you suggested, but we get the same error. Have anybody
used successfully Mini6410 and touchscreen function with linux distribution
different than the ones given by friendly arm? Thanks.

