How fast GPIO the S3C2440A can reach?

Jach Fong
Hi! Everyone,

    I had bought a Micro2440DK recently. I setup the required utilities
and everything goes fine. Now I try to figure out how fast the S3C2440A can
do on its GPIO. I write a small test program and download/run it through
DNW. The 2440DK was boot on NOR and I download it through the Supervivi's
'd' command.

    Below is the subroutine to output a high-low (or low-high) pulse:

                LSL     r2,r0,#5

                MOV     r1,#0x56000000

                STR     r2,[r1,#0x14]
  ;output to GPIOB

                MVN     r2,r2

                STR     r2,[r1,#0x14]


                MVN     r2,r2

                STR     r2,[r1,#0x14]

                BX      LR


    But the result is terrible. The pulse width is 100ns! I had checked
that at this time the FCLK=405MHz, HCLK=FCLK/4 and PCLK=HCLK/2 and it's
already the limit of S3C2440A can have.

    Please can someone tell me that if there are someway to improve the
speed? Or it is just the best I can get?

Best Regards,