Qt 4 webkit question

Hi, I own a mini2440 and have set up all the dev tools properly. I am
currently working on a web app which requires QWebKit. The default makefile
doesn't compile webkit and hence there is no qtwebkit in my lib. Is there a
way to add this library w/o doing the whole compile again? And where will I
get the source for WebKit?


Ahh, never mind, I figured it out.

configure -webkit


Hi Alls, 
I'm doing a test with QtWebkit on Tiny6410 too.

I've compiled "Qt everywhere" with Webkit included (with the parameter
-webkit,  it took so long to complete, about 2hrs ).

But when i try to put a simple QtWebkit application to the board and run
it, it display a message likes "libQtWebKit.so.4.. no such file..."

Then i copied that libQtWebKit.so.4 from my complied Qt folder(on my Ubuntu
) to the same folder on the board ( usr/local/Qt).

The application now runs with out error message, but there's only a blank
window ( fill with white ).

Anyone could tell me what to do?

Thank you !

You might have webkit builtin but what application are you trying to run
that uses webkit?

/demo/browser might be a good start or have you written your own Qt app to
use webkit?

Hi davef. Thank you for replying.

I just run a default HTML5 QtWitget App created by QtCreator. It include a
html file that toggles some text onscreen and there is a link labeled "X",
when you click on it, app will exit.

I've solved the problem by copying the  html file to the same folder with
the app. At first i thought that the Qt compiler would embed the html file
into  the application file. But it didnt.

But now I'm sad because of the poor performance of QtWebkit application on
my Tiny6410. It took a long time to open up an app and I'm now experiencing
a huge lag.

Petar Korponaic
Maybe you can try CppWeb library: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cppweb/

It is light-weight web developement framework and compiles on ARM (I have
used it on Mini2440 with Linux, GCC compiler and Boa web server).

Resulting CGI application has great performance.