Hi all, Does anybody can help me cross compiling the Qwt library. Do I have to modify the .pro file ? Compiling for X86 is no problem, but I want to use it in my mini2440 aplications. Thanks Luc
Google is your friend: http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-embedded-interest/2006-11/thread00035-0.html
Thanks for reply. I finaly succeeded in cross compiling the qwt library. the 'file' command gives me following output : libqwt.so.6.0.0: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, not stripped So this seems to be OK. I have copied the library files to my mini2440 in the same dir as the QT lib-files. However when I run an example using the qwt lib (sinusplot -qws) i have following error : error while loading shared libraries: libqwt.so.6: cannot open shared file : no such file or directory How can I solve this. I googled it but ldd and ldconfig does not exists on mini2440...
Oops, It seems that the directory has to be the same as on my deveopment system. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH did the trick. I have compiled some examples with success, except the touchscreen that does not work. regards Luc
Hi Luc I need to Cross Compile QWT for FriendlyArm. Here it seems that you have done it successful. (http://www.friendlyarm.net/forum/topic/2549#11861) I dont find any Gude for this and i have never CorssCompiled a library. Can you help me? Thanks Stefan
Hello all. I could compile my QWT for FrienlyArm. Here my way how i did it: Do the things like in this tutorial http://www.sereno-labs.com/qt-4-6-2-installation-procedure-for-friendlya... tslib will not work with this tutorial. When you make the ./configure take -no-mouse-tslib. I installed and compiled tslib, but i think you will not need it. If you have success with this tutorial you will have in you folder qt-everywhere.../bin a qmake. This qmake will generate makefiles for the arm-compiler. Copy the qmake in the qwt-6.0.0 folder. Open a terminal and change to qwt-6.0.0 folder. Here now you can cross-Compile with ./qmake your qwt. (do not make only qmake, this will make only libraries for your host pc and not for arm) Now you will find in /user/local/qwt-6.0.0 your libraries for your arm. This 8 files you need to copy to your arm. I copied them to /user/local/Trolltech/QtEmbbeded-4.6.3-arm/lib. Now you need to add this PATH to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/user/local/Trolltech/QtEmbbeded-4.6.3-arm/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH With the Command "env" you can control if the PATH is correct. If you want to run the bode example, you need to cross compile it too. Open with QT Creator the bode.pro. In Extras->settings->qt4 add under user your qmake for the qt-everywhere/bin. Than left under project add the compiler. After this you need can compile bode.pro with the arm compiler. Copy it to your arm and run it with ./bode -qws For all this you need to install on the Friendly Arm QT4 and on your host (look the tutorial) a cross complied qt4. Without tslib your touchscreen should not work. Good Luck Stefan
By the way I install qwt for Desktop in /usr/local/qwt-6.0.2-svn . you say qmake for embedded . It will loaded at same directory to /usr/local/qwt-6.0.2 . I am confused. Is there must be two directories both desktoğ and embedded . /usr/local/qwt-6.0.2-svn adn /usr/local/qwt-6.0.2-embedded like this. ???