I am looking for an SSH server for the mini2440 running Qtopeia i was hoping to use dropbear but i have been unable to compile it. Does any one know of an SSH server that will run on the mini2440? or has any one had any luck on compiling dropbear to work on it?
Qtopeia and SSH
http://code.google.com/p/mini2440/downloads/detail?name=mini2440-bootstr...= Appears to compile dropbear, maybe you will find a few clues in it.
I looked at the first link and from what i could tell from the script it runs the commands ./configure --disable-zlib -host arm make clean make I tired running that and it game similar results it throws up a ton of warnings near the end of the compiling and the binary it produces /bin/dropbear: line 1: syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") i would take executables but if the process is simple enough i would like to try and compile my one
SUCCESS! I was able to compile dropbear and it apears to be working correctly. I started at this address. "Copying Compiled Programs to the Micro2440" https://sites.google.com/a/asu.edu/cse423-glad/development-2/documents to set up the cross compiler and toolchain I download the source for dropbear from http://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/dropbear.html I followed most of the directions from here: This link also gives you examples on how to set up dropbear http://cri.ch/sven/doku.php/blog/running-dropbear-on-android and was able to compile a version that runs on my mini2440 useing the commands make clean ./configure CC=arm-linux-gcc --host=arm-linux --disable-zlib make I am not sure exactly what the difference is between my ./configure line and the one used in the last link. I will be honest this was my first linux program to compile from source and my first program to cross compile so your results may differ from mine. Things i also learned: dropbear will not allow you to SSH as root without a password set for root you will need to use passwd to set a password. also the defalut home directory for root was set to "/" so i had to put my public key in /.ssh/authorized_keys
Opps I looked at the wrong file the correct file for setting up the arm toolchain is "Installing the ARM GCC Compiler and Compiling Programs for the Micro2440" it is located at the first link though.
Hello Jeff I also successfully compiled dropbear. But, i have problem with making ssh communication. I am getting error permission denied(publickey). I fallowed procedure described on page http://cri.ch/sven/doku.php/blog/running-dropbear-on-android Appreciate for any help! Emil