Android or Qtopia


I'm new on embedded devices, but I would like to develop something.
I just received my mini2440 and I am ready to start. I have always
developed in Java, so I am thinking in installing Android and developing
everything in Java; the problem is that I don't know if there will be
things that will not be possible in Android and will be possible in Qt

So, what should I do?
1. Go on with Android?
2. Learn C++ and use Qt?

Thank you for your help!

IMHO, stay on android for a while.

I don't know how much knowledge you do have on computers but stay far from
c++ while possible.

The idea behind android is to make our lives easier, a java programmer
should be good enough to work with android.

c++ and c are really hard core languages and they are not recommended for
beginners (again, IMHO) and itīs really worst when talking about embedded

Play a while with the android SDK, download eclipse, get one android plugin
and start to work man!

I'm doing this right now ...

as a beginner, i want to start like that as well..

however, there's so many types of Eclipse to download from, which one?

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers?
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers?
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers (includes Incubating components)?
and much more (

Please help, TQ!