Hi I can run my QtEmbedded4.6.3 developed application from console using ./exports.sh ./myapp -qws How can I run it from Qtopia GUI? I transferred dedicated files to /opt/Qtopia/apps/FriendlyARM/myapp.desktop /opt/Qtopia/pics/myapp/myapp.png /opt/Qtopia/bin/myapp and restarted mini2440. Then I see the icon, but 'click on it' can not run myapp ! "myapp.desktop" is [Desktop Entry] Exec=myapp Icon=myapp Type=Application Name[]=MY_APPLICATION CanFastload=0 "exports.sh" is #!/bin/sh export TSLIB_TSEVENTTYPE=INPUT export TSLIB_CONSOLEDEVICE=none export TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0 export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal export TSLIB_CONFFILE=/usr/local/etc/ts.conf export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/usr/local/lib/ts export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.6.3-arm/lib:$LD _LIBRARY_PATH export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin/:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH export QWS_MOUSE_PROTO=tslib:/dev/input/event0 where is the problem? I do not see debug on COM1 tanks in advance
desktop entry for QtEmbedded4.6.3 applications
also, I tried to use -qws argument with myapp in desktop entry file, but it seems that I can not use it
regarding running from console; I should tell that when I touch the pushButtons of myapp, both my pushButton and "desktop entry on Qtopia screen that there is below of myapp windows/form" will be clicked ! what is solution of this problem?
I burned image target file system (include Qtopia-2.2.0 & QtE-4.6.3) from http://arm9download.cncncn.com/mini2440/linux/rootfs_qtopia_qt4-20100816... it consist of - arm-linux-gcc-4.4.3(EABI) - linux- - QtE-4.6.3 in Qtopia-2.2.0
Do you have a compiled program that I can test on my board because I success to compile Qt but my programm don't start and the demos works well. So I wouldlike to test if the bug come from me or from the confihuration on the board, Thanks.
Standalone qt apps need to be started as "<appname> -qws" I have no idea where this is documented. This starts them for me, in the /bin you will find an entry "qt4", this is a script used to start the qt4 demo apps. You just copy the front of this and replace the demo app section with your app name and things work as you think they should. You need to kill the current running qt instance if you want to run your app stand alone, use ps to find qt, then kill <pid> to halt the running qt instance. hope this helps