Graphics on mini2440 LCD without Qtopia

I want to produce coloured diagrams on the mini2440 LCD (actually to
develop a portable oscilloscope). It now strikes me that Qtopia may not be
the answer since that is mainly concerned with icons and buttons etc. Is it
possible to program in C to generate images on the LCD?

What frequency do you hope to be able to get up to?  10kHz? 10MHz?

Yes, you can program pixel by pixel in C if you want to do it the hard way.
 Why not look at some plotting utilities

Maybe, the DirectFB project

Give some more detail about what you are trying to do and maybe, more
helpful answers will come.

Maybe try the SDL Lib... it can simple crosscompiled and used....

Thanks davef and andreas for your suggestions which look useful. However,
my question is rather more basic. I am just starting with the mini2440, and
can write and cross-compile C programs which run on the mini2440 linux. How
can I make the LCD screen do anything, such as change colour or draw a
line? I have run the test program and the screen picture is fine, but how
do I program in C to produce a result?