
I was going through the code of vboot for mini2440. I understood it up to
an extent but there are few things I did not get. I want to utilize your
code of vboot to run an standalone application without OS.

In vboot code following snippet is there:
    ldr     r2, mpll_value_USER         @ clock user set 12MHz
    str    r2, [r1, #oMPLLCON]

    @ set GPIO for UART
    mov    r1, #GPIO_CTL_BASE
    add    r1, r1, #oGPIO_H
    ldr    r2, gpio_con_uart   
    str    r2, [r1, #oGPIO_CON]
    ldr    r2, gpio_up_uart
    str    r2, [r1, #oGPIO_UP]   
    bl    InitUART
    bl    memsetup

    @ get read to call C functions
    mov    fp, #0            @ no previous frame, so fp=0
    mov    a2, #0            @ set argv to NULL
        ldr    sp, DW_STACK_START    @ setup stack pointer
    bl    Main           

I want to know why it is essential to call "bl memsetup" ?

Will someone please explain me that?

Damian Eppel

memsetup routine deals with memory controller configuration - this is
important since vboot is going to use both external memory - sdram and
flash as it is going to copy Linux kernel from flash to RAM.
