JNI application on android


I installed android on mini2440 then i tried to add JNI application (native

I get from android website Android NDK  package which contain application
using native code (exemple: hellojni).
using NDK tool (ndk-build) I generate the libhello-jni.so library  and
using Eclipse I generate the hellojni.apk.

When I test the hellojni application on android emulator, it works  BUT
when I downloaded the application on the mini2440, the application doesn't
work : it crash with signal 11 error  when it tried to execute the native
function "stringFromJNI".

I working on this probleme for at least 32 months vainly!!!!!

the android on the mini2440, doesn't accept application containing native

Please help me to resolve this probleme.

this is a part of log when the application crash

6 ”À%  %  8   @Ysdalvikvm GC freed 928 objects / 71672 bytes in 86ms
 > Àù  þ  8    •º
InputManagerService hide the small icon for the input method Ô ®Àù  .  ;
  @r*ActivityManager Starting activity: Intent {
categories={android.intent.category.LAUNCHER} flags=0x10200000
comp={android.serialport.sample/android.serialport.sample.MainMenu} } ‚
‡Ãù  ù  ;    Ö6ActivityManager Start proc android.serialport.sample for
activity android.serialport.sample/.MainMenu: pid=836 uid=10006 gids={} G
›ÃD  D  <   ÀìOdalvikvm Trying to load lib
/system/lib/libserial_port.so 0x436b6a78
 E °ÀD  D  <   €Î4dalvikvm Added shared lib
/system/lib/libserial_port.so 0x436b6a78
 K °ÀD  D  <   €Î4dalvikvm No JNI_OnLoad found in
/system/lib/libserial_port.so 0x436b6a78
 W   D  D  <   À'¨$dalvikvm +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libwebcore.so'
for 'stringFromJNI' (wrong CL)
 Y   D  D  <   À'¨$dalvikvm +++ not scanning
'/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so' for 'stringFromJNI' (wrong CL)
 H   á  á  <   @Ÿ6+DEBUG *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
 h   á  á  <   @Ÿ6+DEBUG Build fingerprint:
 1   á  á  <   @Ÿ6+DEBUG signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 8026e218
 <   á  á  <   €ê‚+DEBUG  r0 0000b980  r1 436bccf0  r2 41049d64  r3
 <   á  á  <   €ê‚+DEBUG  r4 beded4f0  r5 00000004  r6 41049d14  r7
 <   á  á  <   €ê‚+DEBUG  r8 beded4d0  r9 41049d18  10 41049d04  fp
 K   á  á  <   €ê‚+DEBUG  ip 80100dd1  sp beded4d0  lr 80100dd4  pc
8026e218  cpsr a0000010
 $   á  á  <   À¼b/DEBUG          #00  pc 8026e218  
 A   á  á  <   À¼b/DEBUG          #01  pc 00000dd0 
    á  á  <   À¼b/DEBUG stack:
 !   á  á  <    ¯/DEBUG     beded490  ad0b9e04  
 (   á  á  <    ¯/DEBUG     beded494  beded4f0  [stack]
 !   á  á  <    ¯/DEBUG     beded498  00000004  
 !   á  á  <    ¯/DEBUG     beded49c  41049b54  
 !   á  á  <    ¯/DEBUG     beded4a0  41049b70  
 !   á  á  <    ¯/DEBUG     beded4a4  30c91428  
 !   á  á  <    ¯/DEBUG     beded4a8  41049b54  
 !   á  á  <    ¯/DEBUG     beded4ac  00000008  
 '   á  á  <   @Sû/DEBUG     beded4b0  0004aee0  [heap]
 !   á  á  <   @Sû/DEBUG     beded4b4  411f34fc  
 6   á  á  <   @Sû/DEBUG     beded4b8  ad056034  /system/lib/libdvm.so
 !   á  á  <   @Sû/DEBUG     beded4bc  00000318  
 (   á  á  <   @Sû/DEBUG     beded4c0  beded560  [stack]
 !   á  á  <   @Sû/DEBUG     beded4c4  41049d14  
 !   á  á  <   @Sû/DEBUG     beded4c8  e3a07077  
 !   á  á  <   @Sû/DEBUG     beded4cc  ef900077  
 !   á  á  <   €žG0DEBUG #01 beded4d0  411f34fc  
 '   á  á  <   €žG0DEBUG     beded4d4  0000cc38  [heap]
 !   á  á  <   €žG0DEBUG     beded4d8  41049d14  
 !   á  á  <   €žG0DEBUG     beded4dc  00000001  
 (   á  á  <   €žG0DEBUG     beded4e0  beded560  [stack]
 '   á  á  <   €žG0DEBUG     beded4e4  0000cc38  [heap]
 (   á  á  <   €žG0DEBUG     beded4e8  beded4f0  [stack]
 6   á  á  <   Àé“0DEBUG     beded4ec  ad0502ac  /system/lib/libdvm.so
 !   á  á  <   Àé“0DEBUG     beded4f0  41049d14  
 !   á  á  <   Àé“0DEBUG     beded4f4  422a7efa


Could you please send me link,from which you got sample code(hellojni)
