
I'm trying to use the simple "Hello World" as a cgi and I always get error
502 Bad Gateway
The CGI was not CGI/1.1 compliant. 

I'm able to use the default index.html and its cgis (led control for
example), but when i use my "hello world" cgi in c language and compile it,
it doesn't work.

I'm placing my cgi's and html files in the directory /www (the same of the

here is my html:

  <P><A HREF="helloworld.cgi">RUN helloworld.cgi</A>.</P>

and here is my c code for cgi:

void main() {
    printf("<html>\n") ;
    printf("<head><title>CGI Output</title></head>\n") ;
    printf("<body>\n") ;
    printf("<h1>Hello, world.</h1>\n") ;
    printf("</body>\n") ;
    printf("</html>\n") ;

    exit(0) ;

Can any one tell me how to get this to work?



Try to add read and execute acces rights to others.

chmod o+rx helloworld.cgi

Hello Sharp.

I did what you said, and now I'm not getting the 502 error anymore.

But when I try to execute the CGI, clicking on its link in the browser, the
browser ask me to SAVE the file instead of just execute it.

I tried to use the chmod 777 to force it to become an executable but it
didn't work too.

I'm compiling it with this: gcc helloworld.c -o helloworld.cgi

I'm placing the files in the /www/ directory of my mini2440.

Could the way i'm compiling, or the location of the files be the problem?


Actually I'm getting the 502 error when i try to make the cgi and html run
on arm. I tried the chmods i said before and it's still not working.

When i run it on ubuntu boa's server I don't get the 502 error, but I'm
still not able to execute the cgi file (the browser ask me to save it
instead of execute i).

Any ideas?

PS: My HTML skills are really bad...

I think your problem is the location of the cgi files.
I use mini-httpd on my Mini as web server, and it needs to be the cgi
scripts in "cgi-bin" named folder ( you can change it in a configuration
file ).
Check out your configuration file for your web server.

Good Luck


Thanks again Sharp.

I solved the problem.
Apparently my problem was not the cgi's location.

After some long researchs on google i found some different c codes for a
helloworld cgi.

Basically i changed the line that was:

for something slightly different and now it runs fine.

Thank you for all your cooperation!

Prakash James
Hi Felipe,

    Could you please share your sollution to this problem? I've been stuck
with the same issue for hours now. It would be of great help if you can
share the exact change that you made to the following line


Thanks in advance!

Hi Prakash,

I think Felipe was refering to this post:

You need to use:
printf("Content-type: text/html\r\n");

I hope you already fixed this one year old issue, I'm just posting here to
help other people facing same problem.

Hey guys, 

I'm working on a similar project on the tiny6410 and I'm getting the same

'502 Bad Gateway The CGI was not CGI/1.1 compliant.'

For this test program, I've used the same code and filenames mentioned
above with the correction mentioned by Alan. 

Any clues on where I may be going wrong? Do I need check the mapping of the
cgi file? I kept it in the /www/ directory with the html file.

Any input would be appreciated



Problem solved, had compiled my code for the wrong kernel.


I'm getting the same error 502. 

I have changed the printf() statement as per suggested in the discussion. I
checked the error log and i'm getting this error - cgi_header: Unable to
find LFLF.

I don't know what it means. I have the html file and the cgi file in the
DocumentRoot folder which is /www on Micro2440 Board.

Here is my addition.html file

        <title> Boa Web Server Testing </title> 
    <h1>Integer Addition Testing</h1> 
    <form action="myfirstcgi.cgi" method="get">
        <tr><td>Enter first number</td>
              <td><input type=text name=number1></td>
        <tr><td>Enter second number</td>
              <td><input type=text name=number2></td>
        <tr><td colspan=2> 
              <input type = submit value = "Calculate Sum" > 
        <input type=hidden name=cmd value="addition"> 

In the Form action field - when i don't write .cgi extension, the browser
downloads my cgi file instead of returning the output.


I am working similar project with cgi using C programming I am facing the
similar problem 502 Bad Gateway Error When I try to submit form with empty
fields and I am validating the fields using Javascript it doesn't seems to
be working please help me get out of this problem

Thanks in advance

Hello sir,
I want to create a web page inside the MINI2440 in this page there is some
user setting menu and factory setup. and access this page like intranet or
any browser ( There is any documents to install
these thinks.

Thanks in advance.