Does anybody has an example of non-os nand-power-on working code? stupid question, I am getting bored. From supervivi menu Select [a] - absolute user application. It loads application into RAM first then it writes to nand. when we power switch off-on, application is not working. The code is working from RAM. In supervivi [d]- Download & Run The applicatin is less than 4k. What is wrong? In Keil examples: The 2-nd level Bootloader for 'S3C2440' This is a 2-nd level bootloader for 'Samsung S3C2440' microcontroller with NAND Flash and External SDRAM. It downloads to BANK 0 of NAND Flash. 1-st level bootloader that is in ROM of S3C2440 first downloads this 2-nd level bootloader to internal RAM and starts it. 2-nd level bootloader's main function is to copy the user program from NAND Flash to External SDRAM and start it. Clock Settings: - XTAL = 12 MHz - FCLK = MPLL = 300 MHz - UCLK = UPLL / 2 = 48 MHz - HCLK = FCLK / 3 = 100 MHz - PCLK = HCLK / 2 = 50 MHz Just select 'Flash -> Download', to download it to NAND Flash. Note: Bad block skipping is supported Error correction (ECC) is not used. NAND Flash Organization (64MB NAND Flash): 0x00000000 _ ____________________________ | | | 2-nd Level Bootloader | | | 0x00001000 -| - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| | | : Reserved for future use : : : | | 0x00004000 -|============================| | | | User Program | : : : : 0x04000000 _|____________________________|