about mini2440

Hello, I work for a company which develop agricultural machines, and I'd
like to add a lcd touch panel to one of these.

Now we have a monochrome display controlled by a PIC, but for a color LCD I
think We need an ARM processor. So I'd like to know if mini2440 with the
7'' display is a good solution for doing it.

I've programmed in C on linux, some time ago, but not much. I do all the
programming in C on windows.

So my questions is if it's gonna be hard to do all this project(menus,
gauges for the rmp, speed, communications...) with this board.

Thank you very much.

P.D. I've seen that there is a library called QT for doing this kind of
this, may be it could help me.


I'm using this board as a Lab tool and I have to say I'm satified. So far I
haven't yet used it for other applications so I don't know how it works in
external environment (vibrations, EMC, tamperature ranges) and also I don't
know if the LCD is bright enough when used in sunny environment.
A part that I'm very satified for my kind of apps. I strongly suggest you
the Qt library, you can find a lot of tutorials, widgets and code component
over the net. 
Qt library allows you to write GUI application in little time, but you have
to know C++ (I was a C programmer and I learnt C++ thanks to Qt)


Dont do it.....
the main feature missing from most of these 'cheap' boards is a separate
graphic  chip.
Once you get away from the "cool" still images you will find that most of
the processing power ends up going into driving the graphics ,which makes
your apps sluggish.

Some boards host an Epson graphics driver chip

Juergen Beisert
> Once you get away from the "cool" still images you will find that most
> of the processing power ends up going into driving the graphics, which
> makes your apps sluggish

There is no difference between still images and not still images when using
the internal graphic device. Displaying a picture needs some memory
bandwith, but with resolutions up to 320 x 240 and 16 bit colour depth I
see no real restriction.

> Some boards host an Epson graphics driver chip

Transfering the data via an address/data bus to an external graphic device
is mostly much slower than doing the same with the internal memory.